Violet Clementine joined our family on March 12 at 1:12 pm. She was born at home in the water, and it was a very relaxed, easy going labor/delivery. V has been a fairly easy going baby and has slept all night long pretty much since birth. Daytime sleep is a different issue though and she fights it like it's her job.
Last weekend we moved 10 blocks down the street and that whole ordeal went fairly smooth, aolthough it was still a pretty big pain in the ass. Lilah and Miles were spared the stress, and spent the entire moving time at the grandparents. They got back last night, and were welcomed into theur new house today by spending some time in the basement hiding from tornadoes.
The kids have adjusted okay to their new house with the exception of Miles waking like a newborn last night, up every two hours. He complained of various things like the monster decals on his walls (which he picked out,) his guys being on the floor, yada yada, but never once complained about being in a new house.
Lilah wasn't upset at all las night but was very sad when she came home yesterday. She wanted to go play in the classroom but she didnt know where it was. then Lilah got lost upstairs and couldnt figure out how to get downstairs. this house is a bit disorienting i suppose. Lilah has since found her way.
Hopefully now that we are a bit more settled, I will be able to update more often. I dont get on my computer much because Violet prefers to be held but i have gained access to the blog on my phone, that I use more than the computer.If my posts are littered with typos, and punctuation/capitalization errors, blame my phone keyboard and autocorrect, not my lack of skills.
yay for moving being OVER! Glad you are back to the blogger world!