Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Elmo at Work

Today at playgroup, Lilah picked up a little plastic phone and proceeded to call Elmo. She was keeping me informed about the conversation the whole time, and it was really quite interesting. Apparently Elmo was at work! He was very very busy. I asked Lilah where Elmo was working, what he was doing, and didn't expect her to answer my question or even understand it. She immediately responded "Elmo is doing very busy working things. He is working very hard." So frekin hilarious!!!

Lilah has to be this adorable and amazing to make up for her spaziness. She has been on a fairly long stretch of not napping. Either fighting her naps, taking super short naps, or not napping at all. The last two days she has chosen the latter, which doesn't make for a happy mama when I'm already at the brink of insanity with Jade out of town. I know my two year old is secretly 30 years old, but I'm soooooo not ready for her to stop napping... To her credit, she did give me about 30 minutes of playing in her room happily before calling for me to get her. She would have given me another 20 minutes or longer if I put on Caillou... Actually, on any normal day (one where my husband is home in the evenings) I wouldn't so much mind for Lilah to not nap. I would really enjoy doing some crafts or learning activities with her during that time, and could probably sneak some Internet time in there for myself while she's busy. I just don't understand why she has to toy with dropping naps all together when I'm doing the single mommy thing! She's probably just helping me get some sense of perspective, helping me appreciate normal days more. Lilah's good for things like that, amping up the crazy to make the rest of the days feel like a dream.

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