Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sanity amidst the chaos

Lilah has been such a super spaz lately. She just has this crazy energy and I can't seem to give her enough of an outlet for it right now. I don't know if it's the weather, being cooped up in the house more than usual (although we still tend to leave the house once a day) or maybe my energy is low and she's feeling that. Who knows!?

Seems like every day this week there has been so many blow ups and catastrophes. Yesterday Lilah head butted Miles when they were squirreling around and she got a bloody nose and just totally lost it. While trying to hold her and contain the blood, Miles is accosting us both and smearing the blood everywhere. The day before that she was throwing stuff literally all day long, a habit that has been long since extinguished, but has recently been revived. I felt like we needed to be living in a padded cell with helmets to keep us safe from the whirlwind of toys constantly flying through the air.

This is all just typical life with a 2 year old and a 9 month old, nothing new or unique going on here. Mix in a bit of the stomach virus and puking with all this energy, craziness, chaos, and it can just be total maddness.

I'm focusing on letting myself off the hook for having weeks like this though. There's nothing that can't be cured by a little shopping trip or extra cookie! At least that is simple when nothing else is. The older I get, the more straight forward I become and the easier it gets to take care of myself, to revive my spirit and boost my energy for the next day.

Today, so far so good thanks to the kiddos both sleeping in till 7:30, my cute new bra that makes me feel NOT frumpy for the first time in 3 years, and putting on lip gloss instead of chapstick.

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