Saturday, January 30, 2010

Keeping up with the L

I've started homeschooling with Lilah for about 30 minutes a day on pre-preschool stuff lately. I wasn't sure how it would go because she's so all over the place and is like me, can't sit still for one second. She seemed ready though. My LP is blowing me out of the water. Not only does she beg to keep doing our learning games after the 30 min is up, but she's just breezing through them. The pediatrician once told me that I'd have a hard time keeping up with her and I was all like, nah. From all my time of teaching I never felt like I struggled to stay one step ahead of my students, but seriously, this kid of mine, I am running after her. The ped was right. The challenge will be for me to keep up with her intelligence. And much to my surprise, as long as I'm moving fast enough, not only is she able to focus on one task for long periods of time, but she gets it too. Homeschooling her is going to be way fun!

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