Thursday, January 21, 2010

Minels, My Sweet Sweet Brute

Ah, my sweet Minels (as Lilah refers to him.) He is in our family to diffuse the static electricity that so easily builds up between Lilah and I since we're so much alike. He has the ability to automatically de-spaz us with such simple gestures. Today as Lilah was in the middle of a mega meltdown, sprawled out on the floor and screaming, over the fact that she couldn't have mac-n-cheese for breakfast (we don't have any or I probably would have conceded,) Miles literally crawled (bull dozed) right over her, swooped up her baby doll in his mouth, and clomps away. It was like he was rescuing that baby from Lilah's mania, although he was not interested in soothing the baby, he just wanted to gnaw on her head for a while. If it were anyone else taking that baby, Lilah would have totally gone off the deep end, but since it was her Minels, it was hysterical. After that there was only laughter, no more tears, and I was wondering why I even had the parent role at that moment since my 8 month old was obviously better equipped to take care of that situation.

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