Monday, June 7, 2010

Don't Wake Me

I've been an absentee blogger. I think of things I need to write about on here all the time but the truth is, I'm just too exhausted to write it down.

Miles, formerly known as "the easy one" has taken up the hobby of torturing us. The most significant damage is done in the form of sleep deprivation, since Miles has decided that sleeping is for wusses, and he's no wuss, so he likes to wake up at 5:00. 6:00 at best. Every day. No exceptions. Weekends shmeekends! That boy waits for the first sign of dawn and starts screaming like a banshee until we get him. I have tried telling him that roosters don't scream, they cock-a-doodle-do, and I've also reminded him that he's not a rooster, and it's not his job to wake us up so damn early every day. We're going on at least three weeks of this madness. Jade and I are making pouches with the bags under our eyes. They're so deep we can store a hand full of cheerios in them.

All sleeplessness aside, Miles has also decided he'd take up the personality of a cantankerous 90 year old man. He complains about everything, and when he doesn't get what he wants, he throws toys like they're empty beer bottles. In a last ditch effort to get us to feel sorry for him, he collapses in a pile on the floor, screaming and red faced. Usually sitting, he folds completely in half and rams his head against the floor in protest.

Aside from not sleeping, and constantly complaining, Miles has decided he needs to scale every piece of furniture, every toy, every wall, in our house. I'm pretty sure he'd climb to the roof if we'd let him. The routine is climbing up, getting down, climbing up, getting down, climbing up, falling down, climbing up, getting rescued from another fall, climbing up, being removed from the piece of furniture, throw a screaming fit until he finds something else to climb. He needs a trapeze harness I think, because I'm tired of serving as his bodyguard all day, every day.

In the small chunks of time that Miles decides to take a break from climbing, he's engaging in a love/hate/but mostly love relationship with Lilah. If she's sleeping, he's pretty obviously bored and unhappy until she wakes up. He wants to go "up" to get her, and when he can't, he is insanely unhappy. I try to explain to him that Lilah doesn't get up at 5:00 am, and that she will sleep for another few hours, trying to convince him that sleep is awesome (everybody's doing it!,) but he doesn't care. When I get him from his room in the morning, Miles frantically points to Lilah's door, shouting "that, that, that!!!!!!" and when we pass her room without entering, he reduces to a pile of shrieking tears. For the next few hours I have to work diligently to keep Miles entertained enough that he doesn't pace the stairs, which is usually a fail. Once Lilah wakes up, Miles is immediately happy and vibrant, and gets right to violating her personal space as much as possible, which Lilah usually enjoys reciprocating. The next few hours of my morning is spent refereeing them as they proceed to attempt to sit on each others' laps, steal each other's food and drink, and get in front of each other's TV view. With all of the angry screaming, you'd never know that Miles loves Lilah best of all.

Last but not least, I can't sum up my dear son without explaining the many hickeys, fang marks, and bruises that decorate my arms, legs, neck, shoulders, and various other parts of my body. Miles is a biter. He bites constantly, for every reason. He bites if he's excited, if he's happy, sad, angry, bored, tired.... Not only does he have a nice mouth full of teeth to make a decent sized chomp mark, but he's also got a razor edge on his front tooth to amp up the pain factor. A while back, on a climbing endeavor, Miles managed to chip a tooth, and the result was a pretty uniform razor, jagged edge on his front tooth, that helps him deliver quite the bite. I believe I'm his most frequent victim, but he does enjoy dolling out an occasional bite punishment to Lilah when she gets a little too heavy handed with him. So when you see me, please know, I'm not a junky, I do not have anemia, I don't have a relationship with a vampire, and no, they're not hickeys. They're simply artifacts to demonstrate how much I hold my son these days and serve as his pin cushion. War wounds from the battle I'm losing against the much dreaded toddler bite.

After many discussions of how our easy going Miles managed to turn into a high maintenance hellion over night, Jade and I often wonder if we'll ever get our easy guy back, or if we just don't make easy kids. Of course we love Miles and are enjoying him more than ever. He's walking, talking, and has a really great sense of humor and vibrant personality. But he's keeping us on our toes these days, and keeping us very surprised! At the end of the day, we'll keep all of these new facets of Miles we've recently discovered, except for the sleeping thing of course. Because waking up at dawn at this house, is truly unacceptable.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Do I Love Poop?

Interesting notes from today...

Lilah: "Mommy, do you like my poop?" I was unsure of how to answer this. I wanted to say no, because I'm definitely not a lover of poop, but I was afraid to say that because I don't want her to think there's any part of her I don't love.


Miles has been attacking Lilah at every opportunity, and it's been a slight annoyance because every time I turn my back, my sweet Minels is crawling, pushing, or chewing on his sister. I've been seeing it as an aggressive act that I must correct. Mostly because Lilah shrieks so loud my eardrums burst every time he lays a hand on her. To her credit, that's probably because his touches kind of hurt. Miles is quickly becoming stronger than Lilah, even though she has a good 16 months of growth on him, it's clear that he has the upper hand when it comes to physicality. Today I noticed something that I've not seen before, and I felt ashamed that I've never taken the time or had a clear enough eye to notice this. Right before Miles is about to pounce, he looks at Lilah and gives her the sweetest smile, not the mischievous smile that prefaces something naughty, but a smile that illustrates true happiness. I was shocked to see this, and couldn't believe I've never paid attention to such a detail. It illustrated clearly to me that Miles' attacks had nothing to do with asserting his new physical strength, or even just being a playful baby/toddler, he's just wanting to touch Lilah. He genuinely loves her and sees her as his buddy. He reserves his most special playfulness for her. He wants to interact with her and get her attention, and this is his way. When Miles is being especially sweet with me, he butts me with his head. That's his way of bein' like, "hey, I love you!" The fact that Miles can hardly be around Lilah for five seconds without engaging with her physically, shows that Lilah is his teddy bear. Today I realized for the first time that they had a relationship, one that existed completely without me, outside of the bounds of my refereeing. That this special relationship between Lilah and Miles has already taken on a life of its own, and that it will define our family dynamic is such an amazing way. This doesn't mean that I will allow Miles to chomp Lilah every chance he gets, but it does mean I will approach it differently as a parent.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bye Bye Baby

One year ago today I was celebrating Mother's Day and had no idea that I was going to have a baby in a matter of a few days...

My baby turns one this week and is soon to be an official "big boy." Most moms would be sad about this, but not me. I love for my kids to grow up! I don't feel like you sacrifice sweet moments with age, you just trade them for different kinds of sweet moments. Instead of rocking and nursing Miles for hours, he's crawling over to me so that he can give me a big hug and cuddle. Miles is still the ultimate sweetness, but has also learned some survival skills too. He is constantly letting Lilah know that he is a "big boy" by pulling her hair, clobbering her, pushing her over as he reaches for a toy, screaming and pulling as she tries to take his toy. His affinity for climbing at the moment is far more important than walking, although he has taken some steps while on break from scaling the furniture. I'm not sad as I take inventory of all the ways Miles is growing and changing, I'm proud that I get to take part in raising such a wonderful boy.

Miles may be turning one, but Lilah is turning 30, I'm pretty sure. I will let these quotes illustrate my point...

"Mommy, you have to share with your friends and your family." (said on a daily basis, usually when I don't want to hand over my drink for both of my kids to backwash in)

"Don't worry mommy, just leave it. We'll get it in a minute. Now turn around and sit in your seat." (said after Miles dropped his toy in the car and I attempted to retrieve it)

"I just need a little water in my hand. Because I'm thirsty. Very thirsty." (just need a little water in her hand?)

"Oh dear!" (after dropping a toy. Oh dear? Who the heck even says that? Has my daughter been hanging out with Miss Manners?)

"I look like a fraggle, except that I have skin."

I wish I could remember more, especially the extra funny ones.

On this Mother's Day, I celebrate my two incredible kids, the sweetness and the sillies, who should take a great deal of the credit for making me the mother I am today!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This is what I hear all day long from the mouth of my babe. Miles is totally obsessed with the stairs in our house and constantly wants to go up. If we're downstairs (which is the majority of the time) he's crawling around the proximity of the stairs like a prowling shark, muttering "up. up. up." As if there's nothing else to do on our whole first floor (besides nearly every toy/activity we own.)

If it's not time to go upstairs, I gently remind Miles "no up" and he will collapse in a pile of sobs like I just murdered his puppy. The amusing thing is that he listens to me most of the time, and if I say "no up" an invisible shield appears at the bottom of the stairs that prohibits him from going further. This is obviously very upsetting to him, because I have honestly never seen a sadder show (even in all of the drama queen Lilah tantrums.) After he comes to from his crying coma, he'll look at me with the plainest face and say "up." And the cycle repeats until eventually I pick him up and put him somewhere else, away from the stairs. Well, try to pick him up anyway, because in his rage over being removed from the beloved staircase, he becomes a very stiff, slippery, flingy thing that I can barely keep a hold of.

After forcing poor Miles to do something other than stalk the staircase, I find a reason to go up just to appease his desires. When it's time to go make our way upstairs, he can barely contain himself, and literally shakes with excitement before clomping over to the stairs, laughing the whole time.

It's quite obvious that the stairs hold a very strong power over Miles, giving him access to the most exuberant joy and his deepest sorrows. His whole world revolves around "up" and "no up." His passion for the stairs has provided me with a lot of entertainment, and enlightened me to his desire to climb, but also probably for his need to have a change of scenery.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cha Cha Cha Changes

I feel like my kids change so quickly and constantly that I have a hard time nailing down who they are at the moment. I stay home with them, and they still just change so fast, I can't possibly keep up. Every week I find myself thinking "who are you going to be this week?" There's a million versions of Miles and Lilah and I feel like I'm always drawing straws on their personalities. Sometimes I get lucky and both kids are the best possible versions of themselves, other weeks I get the short end of the stick. Usually it's somewhere in the middle, Lilah might be more energetic and hilarious, but more dramatic and whiny too. Miles might become more independent but also more clingy.

I start to feel really drained by such massive amounts of change. Once I finally get something nailed down, ways of dealing with whiny Lilah she quickly becomes aggressive Lilah, and all of the methods and strategies I had become so proud of are useless. I feel like I can't ever get a leg up. I don't know why this seems new to me. In my years of teaching, my classroom was always about as schizophrenic as they come. Every day there was a different life force that I had to become accustomed to in about 0.5 seconds or risk drowning in chaos.

I did learn a thing or two from those teaching years but it feels different with my own kids. I guess maybe it's that I become attached to certain versions of my kids. I'm not one of those people who wants to preserve my children in baby form. For me, the older they are, the better, but there is a certain level of innocence, not dependent on age, but life exposure, that I want to hold on to. Every time Lilah becomes subjected to one of the many downfalls of having a sibling, I feel like she loses a part of her innocence. Every time Miles has to forgo a cuddle so that I can tame his maniacal sister, I see a shard of his youth fall away. I definitely want my kids to get older, but I don't want them to become hardened. I have to realize that change is part of experimentation though, not a reflection of my parenting. As my children learn more, they start playing with who they want to be, testing physical and emotional boundaries.

As I write this, I am feeling like it's really neat that my kids go through a daily metamorphosis. In the moment though, it's draining and annoying. I guess maybe that's because I'm rarely the best possible version of myself either. My kids are probably rolling the dice with me too, the same as I am with them. It's always an adventure to see what random combination of personalities come up each day and what we can make from it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Miles has spoken his first official word. He's said some random stuff, but nothing consistent enough to give it the label of "first word." He may have said mama a few times, but he doesn't look at me and say it, and once I think he said dada, but I can't be sure. What is completely clear coming out of his mouth though, is Beuh, as in Bill, the cat. His favorite cat (we have three.) For the past few days he has done little more than crawl (clomp) around the house at full pace shouting BEUH! BEUH! BEUH! BEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH! He says it when he's looking for the cat, when he spots the cat, when he touches the cat, when he's thinking of the cat. I am pretty sure he said it 1,304,326,678 times today and he's getting really good at it. Very clearly articulated for a 10 month old.

You can tell I'm not a first time mom because I'm not the least bit hurt that Miles' first redundant utterings are not mama, or less importantly dada (haha!) I'm just pleased that he's saying something, because by the time Lilah was 10 months, I'm pretty sure she was saying nearly 10 words fairly clearly. She's a linguistic marvel though, so I really don't ever compare. I'm also glad that his first word isn't one of the many obscenities Lilah's been shouting lately.

Speaking of Lilah, she's come up with some pretty good ones lately. Our poor cats. Miles chases after Bill all day shouting and Lilah has taken to running around, chasing the cats, screaming "For crying out loud!!!!!" at the top of her lungs. I guess she gets the pun.

My favorite was yesterday though when I was clearly annoyed at her for repeatedly taking Miles' toys, and my voice was showing my irritation. She said "mama I don't like it when you talk to me like that." Well too bad kiddo. I'm not made of wood. After asking her to leave Miles alone for the one millionth time that day, I was doing good to just let my voice to ONLY sound mildly irritated! In my mind I was screaming. Out loud I was clenching my jaw as I spoke in a subtly annoyed tone. So my response? I could have come up with many but I left it at "I don't like it when you take Miles' toys. It's frustrating." She just shrugged and moved on like she was glad we had our little talk.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sand Shower and Meatloaf

Why is it that Lilah is perfectly content taking a shower in the sand pit at the park, pouring sand over her head, all down her body, getting sand in her eyes, in her mouth, ears, who knows where else? But the second I try to pour some water over her head she screams like I'm murdering her. Seriously, sand has to be so much more painful than a little water in the face. Right?

My baby loves meatloaf. Miles is a champion eater so I don't know why I'm shocked, but there's something funny about him chowing down on meatloaf. He's not really a huge fan of fruit or any of the sweet stuff, but the boy can easily clear a slice of meatloaf and a sweet potato in one sitting. It's actually exciting to me to have a good eater because now when I take the time to make some yummy, healthy food, I know it will actually get eaten (instead of Lilah just mutilating it with her fork without actually taking bites...)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Stop Yelling At Me Minels

The only time I ever hear Miles upset is when the sun is in his eyes, or if he thinks I should be shoveling food onto his plate or into his mouth faster than I am physically capable... He's got this surprisingly loud and angry sounding shriek, which is funny because it's the opposite of what you'd expect from him, being such a mellow guy usually. Whenever Miles starts into his sounding off, Lilah always tells him "stop yelling at me Minels." She's always super calm when she says it too, but still seems put off that he's being so loud. Funny, because I'm pretty sure he learned how to produce such a diva-esque shriek from her...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Where have the days (and the food) gone?

I've been on a bit of a hiatus from the blogging. Not on purpose, just got super busy and by the end of the day I don't have any energy left for reflecting. Need to get back on the bandwagon though. There have been many hilarious moments unrecorded these last few weeks.

My sweet Minels is a human garbage disposal and this arrangement has been tedious the last few months with keeping on top of making his baby food. Now he's moving on to table food and it's working out nicely. Lilah will generally eat anywhere from 10-50% of any given meal, and now I don't have to throw any of her leftovers away or consuming them myself. I have Miles, who reliably eats all of his food, most of Lilah's, some of mine, and if anyone else is eating, he'll eat some of theirs too.

Not only is Miles becoming quite apt at devouring everything in sight, but he's also pretty skilled at breaking into any container, getting into any bin, knocking over any basket. His favorite thing to tip over is Lilah's shopping cart, which practically holds the contents of her entire play kitchen. Obviously, that's why it's his fav, it provides the largest mess payout. And it drives Lilah crazy.

While Minels is busy eating and knocking stuff over, Lilah's content to be a total smart ass and screaming banshee. At any given moment you can either find her telling me what's what ("Actually mama...") or throwing the world's most passionate fit. Both of which are terribly amusing to me or incredibly infuriating, depending on my mood.

So nothing's new in these last few blog free weeks. Some new additions are Lilah's abandoned potty baby (thanks to her practically potty training herself, then changing her mind on that whole ordeal) and Miles' mouth full of toofers (necessary equipment for letting Lilah know when she's roughing him up too much.)

K, trying to get back on the blogging train. We'll see how I do!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Goals and Teeth

Lilah's been a mess lately. Between nap changes, Jade being out of town, and being a typical toddler, she's just been completely nuts, and her and I were in a real rut with our communication. I realized that maybe I was focusing on too many diversion tactics, too many strategies for avoiding melt downs, so I narrowed the scope this week. My goal was to identify feelings. Identify my own feelings out loud to Lilah before they became intense, and to help her identify her own feelings before they became too intense. It's really incredible how successful this was. There wasn't one major blow up all week, all were avoided through talking about how we felt before it became a crazy struggle. Lilah still had her typical toddler tantrums, but nothing that escalated. Each time she was able to calm down easily when I started trying to talk her through her feelings. By the end of the week Lilah was becoming fairly proficient in telling me when she was feeling angry or frustrated, and pinpointing the reason why. One time she was mad because Bill (the cat) wasn't standing close enough to her. One time she was mad because he was too close. It seems like a lot of her frustration comes from her being so particular. Hmmm...wonder where she gets that from?

In Minels news... Poor guy. His stories are always at the end of the post. It's more like he's the exclamation point of the day though, not an after thought. Miles is working on five new teeth, all at once, which has put him in quite a miserable state, and for a child that is never miserable, that's saying a lot. It's harder to see him so sad because he's never upset. My independent little guy has been so clingy all week. It seems like today we've finally gotten him over the hump though and he seemed to be feeling better. Miles has started cruising all over the place, but does it sparingly. He has to really want something, and if he does, he's moving fast. Usually food is the motivator, but this week he's shown pretty big interest in the bath water. He HAS to be in the bathroom to watch the water pour into the tub, and he'll jet from Lilah's room to the bathroom so fast you hardly notice he went anywhere.

It's fun to see the things that spark his interest because he's usually so contemplative. Lately the Minels' Favorite Things list includes: bath water, food (Pirate's Booty especially,) the metal lunchbox, playing catch, chasing Lilah as she runs around the house, and head butting.

Since I wasn't great at blogging this week, here are some highlights:

Lilah played a game yesterday where she threw imaginary cakes up into the air. The point of the game was to sit around and watch the cakes until the timer beeped, then we could imaginary eat them.

Miles had fun playing catch. I would throw the ball into his lap and he'd laugh hysterically, then pick up the ball and hand it back to me. Compared to Lilah's antics, this highlight could appear boring, but Miles is seriously the sweetest baby and so much fun. Remembering him cracking up while we played this incredibly simple game was such a highlight of my week.

Lilah: Can you do me a favor?
Jade: Sure, what kind of favor?
Lilah: A pink favor.


Me: Let's put on your jacket.
Lilah: ACTUALLY it's a sweater.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Where Does Snow Come From?

I asked Lilah today where snow comes from thinking that she wouldn't know how to answer. She told me it came from the trees. I'm just constantly blown away by her intelligence, and she's just barely two. I'm seriously freaked out about how smart she's going to be one year from now, or ten years from now.

And in the world of Minels...

We have one top tooth and another coming through! He's pulling up and starting to cruise. That boy can sure get around, especially when food is involved, he'll high tail it to the nearest cherio or piece of pirate's booty.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Elmo at Work

Today at playgroup, Lilah picked up a little plastic phone and proceeded to call Elmo. She was keeping me informed about the conversation the whole time, and it was really quite interesting. Apparently Elmo was at work! He was very very busy. I asked Lilah where Elmo was working, what he was doing, and didn't expect her to answer my question or even understand it. She immediately responded "Elmo is doing very busy working things. He is working very hard." So frekin hilarious!!!

Lilah has to be this adorable and amazing to make up for her spaziness. She has been on a fairly long stretch of not napping. Either fighting her naps, taking super short naps, or not napping at all. The last two days she has chosen the latter, which doesn't make for a happy mama when I'm already at the brink of insanity with Jade out of town. I know my two year old is secretly 30 years old, but I'm soooooo not ready for her to stop napping... To her credit, she did give me about 30 minutes of playing in her room happily before calling for me to get her. She would have given me another 20 minutes or longer if I put on Caillou... Actually, on any normal day (one where my husband is home in the evenings) I wouldn't so much mind for Lilah to not nap. I would really enjoy doing some crafts or learning activities with her during that time, and could probably sneak some Internet time in there for myself while she's busy. I just don't understand why she has to toy with dropping naps all together when I'm doing the single mommy thing! She's probably just helping me get some sense of perspective, helping me appreciate normal days more. Lilah's good for things like that, amping up the crazy to make the rest of the days feel like a dream.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Chocolate is the Cure All

Lilah: Can I have a sepshal (special) treat please?

Me: Are you hungry?

Lilah: My tummy hurts.

Me: Are you hungry? Do you need to eat?

Lilah: I need some chocolate.

Me: Chocolate? If your tummy hurts then you probably shouldn't eat chocolate...

Lilah: Chocolate will make my tummy feel better.

Hm, ya don't say? I'll have to try that next time. It sure seemed to work for her! hahaha!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Words of the Day

There have been too many good things said today... I can't possibly remember them all (and it's only the afternoon! Lilah's on a roll today.)

"Mama I'm too tired to walk right now. Please git me."

"What are you asking me to do?" (I was asking her to put my shoes back where she found them, but was saying it weird. Most adults I know don't know how to clarify that well!!! I was truly amazed at this one.)

"I need pink lips... RIGHT NOW!!! I need it to feel good mama!" (pointing to my colored lip gloss)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sanity amidst the chaos

Lilah has been such a super spaz lately. She just has this crazy energy and I can't seem to give her enough of an outlet for it right now. I don't know if it's the weather, being cooped up in the house more than usual (although we still tend to leave the house once a day) or maybe my energy is low and she's feeling that. Who knows!?

Seems like every day this week there has been so many blow ups and catastrophes. Yesterday Lilah head butted Miles when they were squirreling around and she got a bloody nose and just totally lost it. While trying to hold her and contain the blood, Miles is accosting us both and smearing the blood everywhere. The day before that she was throwing stuff literally all day long, a habit that has been long since extinguished, but has recently been revived. I felt like we needed to be living in a padded cell with helmets to keep us safe from the whirlwind of toys constantly flying through the air.

This is all just typical life with a 2 year old and a 9 month old, nothing new or unique going on here. Mix in a bit of the stomach virus and puking with all this energy, craziness, chaos, and it can just be total maddness.

I'm focusing on letting myself off the hook for having weeks like this though. There's nothing that can't be cured by a little shopping trip or extra cookie! At least that is simple when nothing else is. The older I get, the more straight forward I become and the easier it gets to take care of myself, to revive my spirit and boost my energy for the next day.

Today, so far so good thanks to the kiddos both sleeping in till 7:30, my cute new bra that makes me feel NOT frumpy for the first time in 3 years, and putting on lip gloss instead of chapstick.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Lilah has learned that she sounds so much more authoritative if she begins everything she says with the word "actually."

For example...

"Actually, I want some cereal." (as opposed to the waffle I offered her)

"Actually, you should wear the other ones." (referring to my ear rings)

Where in the world did she come up with freggin actually? She sounds like a pompous a-hole, so she must be mimicking me.

The Miles Report

Miles has learned that it's fun to stand in his crib and yell at me in the middle of the night because he can't figure out how to sit down (a skill he has no problem with during the day...)

On the fun side though, he has learned to dance. His moves are super awesome. Pretty sure he's on his way to America's Best Dance Crew soon (his crew will consist of several stuffed monkeys, a rubber duck, and Sofie the Giraffe.)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Keeping up with the L

I've started homeschooling with Lilah for about 30 minutes a day on pre-preschool stuff lately. I wasn't sure how it would go because she's so all over the place and is like me, can't sit still for one second. She seemed ready though. My LP is blowing me out of the water. Not only does she beg to keep doing our learning games after the 30 min is up, but she's just breezing through them. The pediatrician once told me that I'd have a hard time keeping up with her and I was all like, nah. From all my time of teaching I never felt like I struggled to stay one step ahead of my students, but seriously, this kid of mine, I am running after her. The ped was right. The challenge will be for me to keep up with her intelligence. And much to my surprise, as long as I'm moving fast enough, not only is she able to focus on one task for long periods of time, but she gets it too. Homeschooling her is going to be way fun!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Revenge of the Minels

The day is here folks, the time has come for Miles to enact revenge on Lilah for 8 months of inadvertent battering. He's stronger and nearly bigger and he's a clobberin fool. Lilah can't be within six feet of him without being accosted: hands in the face, pulling hair, bulldozing over, head butts... Miles is so gentle and sweet, but he's completely unaware of his strength and he's so playful. He's also a great doberman in training and has learned to react to "git 'er!" where he chases, clobbers, and wrestles with Lilah on command. I've also learned to use this as a tool to gain a few minutes of peace because I can tell Lilah that if she doesn't want Miles to "git 'er" then she might want to play at her table for a few minutes, and he then spends the next several minutes trying to climb her table. Pretty soon I'm going to have two kids standing on that table, Lilah probably screaming and crying and Miles laughing hysterically.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dude, You Just Farted in My Hand and other funnies...

Funnies of the day...

Lilah: Minels got a bleedy feenur (after discovering tiny little bloody fingerprints everywhere. I guess Miles got a papercut on one of her books.)


Later in the day...

Lilah threw a major fit over not being able to give Miles a kiss goodnight because she was finishing up her bath. Jade had to grab her out of the bath all naked and dripping wet to run her to his room so she could kiss him goodnight before I put him in his bed. On his way back down the hall to the bathroom I heard him say "OMG dude, you just farted in my hand!" and Lilah laughing like she did it on purpose.


Lilah insisted that I wear my fuzzy black slippers to dance class. She said I would dance better if I wore them (more specifically she said "you dance better in these fuzzy shoes.")

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Little Mirror

I know I've said this before, but interacting with Lilah is like looking in a mirror. Sometimes I don't like what I see, but upon close inspection, it's because I'm seeing how I'm a total pain in the rear!!

Today as I was reading the book Raising Your Spirited Child, it reminded me that personality clashing or similarities will often be the source of conflict between you and your child, and just looking back on the last few weeks, I see how incredibly true that is. We've been shut in our house a lot lately due to weather. Neither Lilah nor I handle this very well, so by the end of the day we're both insane and making each other more insane. I see the spiral downward. We both need to get out of the house and interact with the world, so as a way to cope with not being able to do so, I get on the phone to interact with someone over the age of 2 for a while, to hopefully alleviate some stress on my part. Lilah, also stressed, gets more stressed because now I'm not interacting with her, so by the time I get off the phone, I should feel better, but instead I've got hell to pay for asking her to entertain herself for fifteen minutes, which is impossible for her since she's all crazy from being shut in all day. Things only digress from there and continue with a downward descent of actions and reactions.

As I was reading and reflecting about this today, I was struck with how awesome that is though, that I have a child that wants to be on the go as much as I do! And how in the future we'll be so blessed to be able to cope with struggles through engaging in conversation with each other, rather than me having to phone a friend. So the good news is, I've got a mini-me. That is also the bad news. I guess it's in my best interest to focus on the good news and be excited to have so much in common with my child. Thankfully Minels is happy to be along for the ride.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Diet Coke

Funny of the day:

We're in the car on our way back from the grocery store. We stopped at Wendy's for a "special treat" lunch and did drive through.

Lilah: What choooo drinkin mama?

Me: It's a coke

Lilah: No mama, it's a diet coke

It was a diet coke. I guess I never thought the diet part would be so significant to her. hahah!

Minels, My Sweet Sweet Brute

Ah, my sweet Minels (as Lilah refers to him.) He is in our family to diffuse the static electricity that so easily builds up between Lilah and I since we're so much alike. He has the ability to automatically de-spaz us with such simple gestures. Today as Lilah was in the middle of a mega meltdown, sprawled out on the floor and screaming, over the fact that she couldn't have mac-n-cheese for breakfast (we don't have any or I probably would have conceded,) Miles literally crawled (bull dozed) right over her, swooped up her baby doll in his mouth, and clomps away. It was like he was rescuing that baby from Lilah's mania, although he was not interested in soothing the baby, he just wanted to gnaw on her head for a while. If it were anyone else taking that baby, Lilah would have totally gone off the deep end, but since it was her Minels, it was hysterical. After that there was only laughter, no more tears, and I was wondering why I even had the parent role at that moment since my 8 month old was obviously better equipped to take care of that situation.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Funny of the Day

Today Lilah was jumping on her bed (supervised and encouraged) and she looked over at me and said "mama, I'm taking BEEEEG breaths!!" I love how she was in tune to her breathing as she was in the midst of being so active.

Poor Minels. Mr. Mellow seems to live in the shadows of his sisters BEEEEGness. I promise you though, I notice his lovelies every day. Today he surprised me by going from crawling to sitting for the first time! Right after helping himself to Lilah's box of toys, which he does quite well, and always with such purpose.

Raising My Spirited Child

Today I started reading the book Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka in hopes of just tapping into Lilah a little better. Reading through the author's description of the spirited child, not only was I reading a complete verbal illustration of my child, but of myself as well. "They are normal children who are more intense, persistent, sensitive, perceptive, and uncomfortable with change than other children...It's difficult to describe what it is like to be the parent of a spirited child. The answer keeps changing: it depends on the day, even the moment." I constantly realize that life with Lilah is like looking into a mirror, only I'm proud to see that she's definitely the better model, the new and improved version. The 2.0.

This book is so insightful so far in helping me better define personality characteristics, of both myself and Lilah. I realized tonight while reading that I often think of certain qualities of mine as being negative after being told so throughout my life, and that I can translate these negative associations to my children as well. I have long ago set upon the journey to make positive character associations with all of Lilah's quirks and challenging aspects, but didn't ever make this connection with myself. I'm excited to have that interesting insight, that seeing certain things in a positive light starts with me, seeing it in myself, so I can then translate that to her. I guess I was doing it the other way around, giving Lilah positive terms for her personality facets, but not myself, which has been causing a breakdown in the system. I am not patient with myself, so striving to be patient with her hasn't been going as well as it seemed that it should have. This was interesting insight for me that I think should serve me well in dealing with my spirited child.

I will be interested to see where the new ideas presented in this book will lead me on my journey to becoming a more available, more understanding, more in tune parent. It's funny how things are when you have a child that's so much like you, you still manage to become blind to the best way of dealing with challenges, even though the answer is as simple as asking yourself how you'd like to be directed.

Monday, January 18, 2010

You Win Peer Pressure

I've been resisting the urge to start a blog. More so because I wonder who in the world would want to read it. I realized that it would be nice to have something to document all of the crazy and funny moments that mark each day, regardless of its entertainment value to others. So... I have folded to peer pressure and away we go with this whole blogging thing...